FaZe defeats Call Of Duty World League by apparent problem


The fan favorite, Call Of Duty: Black Ops 4, the team of esports, FaZe, was suspended last night in the World League, while Luminosity Gaming bowed against 2-3. But there are rumors that they stole after both teams fulfilled their victory conditions almost simultaneously. Although FaZe seemed to capture his control point half a second before being eliminated by Luminosity, the game decided in favor of the latter and the referees chose to maintain the loss despite the inconsistency.

The game was played on the Seaside map, and the clips clearly show that Tommy "ZooMaa" Papparatto of FaZe is credited for capturing the point, which should have ended the match with a FaZe victory. But before the game recorded that, Josiah of Luminosity "Slacked" Berry had eliminated the remaining two members of FaZe. The game happily accepted, giving Luminosity the victory.

It's a bit hard to tell from the clip, but it's clear that ZooMaa gets the catch credit (on the left side of the screen) before Slacked even manages to get past the door ( and that he is still alive, his feet are at the top).

This inconsistency is apparently known to the community and does not seem particularly rare. In fact, Luminosity was on the other side in a previous game a day earlier.

But FaZe being the crowd's favorite, it's not surprising that more people are getting into the issue. Activision has not yet made any representations about this match or any other example of inconsistency. As a result, it is not known that he is considering correcting the interaction or attempting to mitigate its impact on competition.

Yet with so many people desperate to prove that esport is real sports, that's the kind of annoyance you need. What's a rivalry without having to blame all your losses, whether it's a slippery field or a strange video game whim? And now we can all come together in this sacred tradition, transmitted for centuries: the screams of the referee.


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