FBI asks for public help in identifying rioters on Capitol Hill


Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents arrive at Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, the United States, Jan.6, 2021.

Graeme Sloan | Bloomberg | Getty Images

WASHINGTON – The FBI is asking for public assistance in identifying people who took part in the pro-Trump riots on the U.S. Capitol.

“We accept hints and digital media describing the riots or violence in and around the US Capitol on January 6,” an FBI tweet said.

“If you have witnessed any illegal violent acts, we urge you to submit any information, photos or videos that may be relevant to fbi.gov/USCapitol,” the agency said in a subsequent statement.

Chaos on the US Capitol resulted in the deaths of four people and led to 52 arrests. At least 14 police officers were injured, DC Police Chief Robert Contee said Wednesday evening.

A supporter of President Donald Trump carries a conference battle flag on the second floor of the U.S. Capitol near the Senate entrance after breaching security defenses in Washington on Jan.6, 2021.

Mike Theiler | Reuters

The riots that broke out in Washington forced Congress to withdraw from the joint session that was to officially announce the victory of President-elect Joe Biden in the November election.

After securing the Capitol, Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump was confirmed by Congress in the early hours of Thursday.

Trump, at a rally outside the White House on Wednesday, encouraged thousands of supporters to march to Capitol Hill in protest at what, historically, has been a ceremony.

Trump returned to the White House after his speech. In the riots that followed, Trump told his supporters in a tweeted video “you must go home now,” but he did not condemn the violence and continued to falsely claim he won the election.

Twitter subsequently deleted this tweet and locked the president’s account.

In a statement Thursday, acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf, called on Trump to “strongly condemn the violence”, calling the events “tragic and disgusting.”

Protesters enter the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC. Congress held a joint session today to ratify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in Electoral College 306-232 over President Donald Trump.

Win McNamee | Getty Images

“This is unacceptable. These violent actions are unacceptable, and I implore the president and all elected officials to strongly condemn the violence which took place yesterday,” Wolf said.

“Any appearance of incitement to violence by an elected official is against who we are as Americans. Every American has the right to protest peacefully, but once these protests turn violent, we must enforce our laws and bring those responsible to justice, regardless of their motives. “

In a tweet on Wednesday, Wolf wrote that those who engaged in the riots should be held accountable.

Other members of Trump’s cabinet also issued stern reprimands for the violence, but stopped before criticizing the president.

In a series of tweets Wednesday night, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called the storming of the US Capitol “unacceptable”.

“Lawlessness and riots – here or in the world – are always unacceptable,” wrote the country’s top diplomat. “Let us quickly bring justice to the criminals who engaged in these riots.”

Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen said: “The violence against our nation’s Capitol is an intolerable attack on a fundamental institution of our democracy.”

Earlier Wednesday, the Justice Department dispatched hundreds of federal law enforcement officers and agents from the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and of the US Marshals Service to help quell protests.


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