FBI claims to have analyzed unidentified "Bigfoot" hairs in the 1970s


The FBI analyzed a sample of Bigfoot's alleged hair in the 1970s "in the interest of research and scientific investigation" that turned out to be deer hair, according to the same source.

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Peter Byrne, then director of the Bigfoot Information Center, wrote a letter in 1976 asking the FBI to "clear things up", once and for all, on a previous case where the office supposedly analyzed hair that was not safe. were not identifiable as such. of every creature known on this continent ".

The FBI's deputy director, Jay Cochran, who was then running the office's laboratory division, replied that he was unable to find any traces of such an examination. Byrne, extolling the affiliation of his group at the Boston Academy of Applied Science, asked for a review of what he considered an exciting new sample.

"In short, we do not often encounter hair that we are unable to identify and the hair we have now, about 15 hair attached to a tiny piece of skin, are the first we've got in six years. of importance, "wrote Byrne.

Cochran replied that although the FBI's laboratory focuses on criminal investigations, "on a case-by-case basis, in the interest of research and scientific investigation, we do exceptions to this general policy ".

"This included, we will examine the hair and fabrics mentioned in your letter," he added.

The sample was analyzed using methods such as "transmitted and incident optical microscopy", "a study of morphological characteristics such as root structure, medullary structure and cuticle thickness", "scales" and direct comparison with hair of known origin under a comparison microscope.

But the results were not as Byrne had hoped.

"It was concluded as a result of these reviews that the hair was of family origin," Cochran wrote to Executive Vice President of the Academy of Applied Sciences, Howard Curtis, at the beginning of the year. ;Next year.

The results and the sample were sent back to Curtis to be kept until Byrne was expected "back from Nepal in a week or two".

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