FDA Approves Apple Watch App That Ends Nightmares


For those who have nightmares due to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the Apple Watch will work with an app that helps those who suffer from this problem. Called Nightware, The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on Friday that the application had been approved. The Apple Watch’s sensors monitor the user’s heart rate and body movements while they sleep and this data is sent to a server where it is compared to a basic sleep profile for the user based on algorithms.

FDA Approves Apple Watch App That Uses Vibration To End Nightmares Caused By PTSD

If Nightware decides the user is having a nightmare, Apple Watch sends out vibrations in an attempt to disrupt the nightmare that is bothering the user. Nightware is not intended to be a stand-alone treatment for PTSD-related nightmares and is intended to be used under the supervision of a health care provider. A prescription is required to use the app because it just isn’t for everyone. Those who act during nightmares while sleepwalking or performing acts of violence should not use the app. And there are certain conditions that warrant immediate medical attention such as daytime sleepiness. It is recommended that users call a doctor if nightmares continue or the vibration of the watch causes awakenings unrelated to the night light. And the Apple Watch used with the Nightware app should be put on every night before bed. It should not be used while watching TV or reading in bed as this could lead to false alarms. In addition, the watch should not be worn too tightly, and if skin irritation occurs, the user should immediately stop using it.

The FDA said, “This device has been studied in a 30-day randomized controlled trial involving 70 patients. Dummy therapy is an inactive treatment or procedure that aims to mimic therapy as closely as possible in a clinical trial. Patients. in the simulated group wore the device, but no vibrational stimulation was provided. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the self-rated questionnaire to assess the quality of sleep, including a version of this scale for patients with PTSD. The simulated and active groups showed improvement on the improvement scales than sham. Evidence has shown that the likely benefits outweigh the likely risks. “

The Apple Watch has gained a reputation as a device that saves lives. The watch’s heart rate monitor saved several lives. Typically, users receive a notification that their heart rate is too high or too low, which sends them to the hospital. where a doctor discovers a problem that needs to be treated fairly quickly. Last year, Apple has added an EKG (electrocardiogram) to the fifth series of the smartwatch. This feature monitors the user’s heart for abnormal rhythms that could be a sign of atrial fibrillation (AFib). The latter can lead to blood clots, strokes and heart failure.
This year, the sixth Apple Watch series has a pulse oximeter. Using sensors that measure the amount of light reflected from the user’s wrist veins, the function reveals the percentage of oxygen carried by red blood cells in the lungs to the rest of the body. Normal reading is between 94% and 100%. In April, an emergency room doctor found that those with unusually low readings and not showing severe symptoms could be on the verge of contracting COVID-19. Additionally, a person who has a reading of 80% or less could be on the verge of suffering from a major heart or brain problem.


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