Federal government extends COVID vaccine expiration date to 6 months to save doses and increase inoculation rates


U.S. regulators have prevented hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 vaccine doses from being thrown away after extending the vaccine expiration date for the second time.

According to the Associated Press, the move is an attempt to recoup the expiring guns to fight the summer outbreak of infections in the country.

The Food and Drug Administration sent a letter to shot maker Johnson & Johnson on Wednesday saying the company’s doses remain safe and effective for at least six months when stored properly. The move gives the injections an additional six weeks as part of efforts to get more Americans vaccinated.

Similar efforts are being made in states across the country.

Much of the spike in infections is due to the highly contagious Delta variant of the coronavirus, which has spread rapidly, especially among unvaccinated people. Vaccination rates increased only slightly after falling sharply from their peak in April, the press service also reports.


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