Federal government fights release of woman seen in video wearing pink hat during riot on Capitol Hill


Pittsburgh – Federal prosecutors on Wednesday appealed the release of a Pennsylvania woman accused of using a large pipe to smash a window in the US Capitol on Jan 6. and instruct other insurgents on how to take the building.

A magistrate has found that Rachel Marie Powell – who the FBI says is the woman in the pink hat shown in a video shouting instructions through a megaphone – poses a “danger to the community,” but that she could be released with an unsecured bond of $ 10,000 with house arrest. and electronic surveillance.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Lisa Pupo Lenihan issued the ruling after Powell’s detention hearing on Tuesday, but delayed his release to give the government time to appeal.

Prosecutors said Powell should stay locked before the trial.

Powell, 40, mother of eight from Sandy Lake, is one of the “main participants in the most violent insurgency perform at the US Capitol in more than 200 years “and” fueled a situation which threatened the peaceful transfer of power to the United States, “federal prosecutors wrote on Wednesday.

Powell’s attorney, Michael Engle, argued in court that Powell had no criminal record, was not at risk of absconding and did not harm anyone during the insurgency.

An FBI affidavit said Powell was with a group inside the Capitol and provided detailed instructions on the layout of the building, telling the rioters that “they should ‘coordinate together if you’re going to take this building.” “Powell also noted that they” have another window to break, “the affidavit states.

“She was not a spectator; she perpetrated violence and encouraged others to do the same – all aimed at defeating law enforcement, intimidating public officials and undermining the Constitution and the peaceful transfer of government. presidential power, “prosecutors said Wednesday.

Authorities said a search of Powell’s home revealed several broken cell phones and two “take-out bags”, one with ammunition, rope and duct tape and the other with stars and knives. and lighters. A bag found in Powell’s car contained a tarp, zip ties and two loaded magazines for an AK-47 rifle, authorities said.

Powell has been charged with violent entry or disorderly conduct, obstruction, depredation of government property, entering a restricted building and being in that building with a dangerous weapon.


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