Federal Health Researchers Start Testing Male Contraceptive Gel


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By Maggie Fox

National Institutes of Health are looking for some good men to try a new birth control gel for men.

The gel, rubbed daily on the shoulders, gradually reduces the number of sperm, so that men can not put a pregnant woman. The National Institute for Children's Health and Human Development (NICHD), part of the NIH, plans to recruit about 400 couples at sites around the world to test the effectiveness of the gel in preventing pregnancy. as well as appreciation of people if men will use it as directed.

"This is the first time men have used it as a couple to test their effectiveness," said Diana Blithe, head of the NICHD Contraceptive Development Program.

The gel formulation, called NES / T, includes a compound containing a progestin called segesterone acetate, which is manufactured under the brand name Nestorone, with a dose of testosterone.

"It is applied on the back and shoulders and is absorbed by the skin. The progestogen blocks the natural production of testosterone in the testes, reducing sperm production to low or no levels, "NICHD said in a statement.


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