FAccording to local media, press administration agents raided Thursday in the offices of a Chicago City Hall official and former tax attorney for President Trump.
The FBI has been introduced to the Ald offices in Chicago. Ed Burke removed all the people and lined the windows, reports the Chicago-Sun Times.
The purpose of the raid was not immediately clear.
Burke, a Democrat and current chairman of the Chicago City Council Finance Committee, was defeated in a recent election following political attacks on his Trump property tax appeal and property lawsuit. of the president in the city.
Illinois State Representative Dan Burke, Ed's brother, told the Sun-Times he was shocked by the news of the raid.
"I have no idea. Whenever there is that kind of thing, where they come in and line your windows, that's certainly a concern, "said Dan Burke. "But I know my brother. Throughout his life and career, he has kept the law. "
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