FF7 Remake 2’s story will continue to go beyond player expectations


The developers of the unnamed sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Remake strongly imply that the game will continue to rewrite history.

The developers of the next Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 said the game will go above and beyond player expectations, so fans shouldn’t expect a direct remake of the Sections outside of Midgar. Final Fantasy 7 remakeThe ending of this story drastically changed the course of the original story, and it looks like things will continue to be different in the future.

Instead of running away from Midgar and promising to hunt Sephiroth, like in the original Final Fantasy VII, the cast of Final Fantasy VII remake combat the literal manifestations of fate. Once they break free from this fate, they fight Sephiroth, giving Aerith her first chance to take on whoever killed her in the original timeline. The timeline is then altered, suggesting (but not confirming) that Jessie and Zack are still alive. The ending isn’t exactly clear as to what it means, and we’ll have to wait a few years before we find out more about this new timeline.

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The unnamed sequel to Final Fantasy VII remake is currently in development, but fans have yet to learn concrete information about its content. Final Fantasy VII remake Producer Yoshinori Kitase and co-director Naoki Hamaguchi appeared on the CEDEC + KYUSHU 2020 online show, and they surprisingly discussed the upcoming sequel while keeping specific details under wraps. Their comments have been translated into English by aitaikimochi on Twitter. According to Kitase, the Final Fantasy VII remake the rest will go beyond the expectations of the players. The developers say they want to create a game that lives up to the expectations of the original fans, while managing to reverse those expectations and surprise players.

Final Fantasy VII remake heavily developed on the Midgar section of the original game, including introducing characters from the novels for cameo roles. The full scope of the changes didn’t become clear until the controversial ending, leading to speculation that the follow-up game will now go in an even more drastically different direction. In the original, Cloud’s party travels to the town of Kalm after leaving Midgar; Now that the characters are freed from the original timeline, they can theoretically go and do whatever Square Enix wants.

In a way, it’s never been so exciting to be a Final Fantasy VII fan. Many players have complained about the plot changes and the lack of clarity in the ending, not knowing how much the plot has changed. However, that just means that they have a few more years to think about these changes and speculate on what will happen next while they wait. It’s possible the game will introduce new playable characters and even confirm some longtime fan theories about the original game, and Aerith could survive this time around with the Whisper Harbinger defeated. Gamers probably won’t know for a while, but if Square Enix has proven anything with its recent revisit of the classic JRPG, it’s that it’s capable of surprising gamers in Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2.

Next: FF7 Remake: Materia We Want To See In Part 2

Source: aitaikimochi

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