FF7 Remake TGS Trailer gives voice to many characters


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A new trailer for the Final Fantasy VII Remake debuted at the Tokyo Game Show. It presents the first sounds and images of several beloved characters. The new trailer features the Turks, the group of forces of the order of the Shinra who play the role of the game's major antagonists. We see and hear Reno, Rude and Tseng in the trailer, as well as some other surprises, such as the return of a particularly strange mini-game.

Each of the Turks receives a spoken part, so you can hear their new voice. We also have a brief overview of Don Corneo, a corrupt and lustful man, right after Aerith is spotted in the red dress that she wears as part of her plan to question him. We also hear more voices from several key characters, and even have a hint that the squatting minigame is coming back in the remake.

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The Final Fantasy VII Remake was rewarded by game critics by winning the E3 award for best show. Square Enix recently launched a remake of its iconic cover to mark his birthday.

The remake is scheduled for March 3, 2020. And although this is only the first part of the game, it will still be two Blu-ray discs. For fans of the classic role-playing game, Square Enix publishes a $ 330 Final Fantasy 7 Remake collector's edition.


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