FFXIV developers change Sage job icon after triggering phobia for some players


Today I learned that trypophobia, a fear of or loathing for certain types of holes or bumps, is something some people suffer from. The developers of Final Fantasy XIV also recently learned the same, as the new work icon Sage has triggered trypophobia in some players. The developers have announced that they are changing the icon in time for Endwalker’s release date.

“The severity of the reaction varies from person to person, and what triggers it in some may not be in others,” director and producer Naoki Yoshida said in the announcement. “But regardless of these differences, you have given us some serious feedback, and there is still time to make a difference. Also considering the fact that job icons are clearly visible in the game and also appear on merchandise, we made the decision to redesign the wise icon.

The new design is quite similar to the old one – it simply fills in the holes in three of the four nouliths that represent the magical abilities of the Sage.

The official site has already been updated with the new icon, so you can continue browsing it without worrying about the holes.

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In recent years, developers have taken phobic reactions more and more into account when designing their games. Arachnophobia modes have helped spider-scared gamers enjoy games like Grounded and Satisfactory, and it’s good to see the developers continue to address these kinds of issues.

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