Film and television production in Ontario to respond to the pandemic outbreak


1:02 PM PST 01/12/2021


Etan Vlessing

Cameras running locally on Netflix’s “ Locke & Key ” and Apple TV +’s “ See ” are still allowed as the province declares a state of emergency.

Ontario has decided not to tamper with Hollywood film and television sets on local soundstages as the province declares a state of emergency amid a resurgent coronavirus outbreak.

“While new lockdown measures were announced by Premier (Doug) Ford today Jan. 12, film and television productions and post-production projects will continue to operate without any changes to previously reported guidelines and featured in the ongoing provincial shutdown, “the Toronto Film Office said in a statement obtained by The Hollywood Reporter.

Ontario Premier Ford on Tuesday introduced tougher measures to reduce the surge in the rate of COVID-19 infection across the province, Canada’s largest media market. Film studios in Ontario have been allowed to remain open, with restrictions like a limit of 10 artists and no studio audiences on set remaining in place.

This limit does not apply to the number of crew members, stunt riggers, stunt coordinators and alternates currently permitted on an Ontario film set, provided they are wearing masks and can physically safely distance yourself.

In addition, singers and musicians playing wind instruments should be separated by plexiglass barriers. Latest measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 on film sets come as Ontario imposed a stay-at-home order on the entire community for 28 days, with some exceptions only for those who do essential work or do their shopping.

“My friends, soon there will be some really dark days to come, turbulent waters, but we are going to get through this,” Premier Ford said at a press conference, warning of the surge in COVID cases -19 and hospitals threatened to be overwhelmed in February.

Despite the surge in cases of COVID-19 infection, Hollywood production in Ontario has returned to pre-pandemic activity levels as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and the new US streaming services shoot new originals to compete with Traditional players like Disney, HBO, NBC and CBS are also supporting new streaming platforms.

The latest announcement on film set safety measures in the province follows recommendations from Ontario health advisers who recommend tightening restrictions for COVID-19 hotspots, which include Toronto and southern Ontario, where the number of cases of the virus is increasing.

The reopening of Hollywood production in and around Toronto after the holiday break is expected to take longer and not accelerate until mid-January, with major studios and streamers taking into account the current surge in cases and demands. quarantine for return trips.

“Usually the production return dates were pre-planned for December. Extended post-vacation breaks have been carefully considered prior to vacation to maintain safe settings, ”said Ontario Film Commissioner Justin Cutler. THR.

“A lot of productions also factored in the break time, as the Ontario crews worked non-stop from late summer through fall. Some productions have now decided to take a break and recalibrate for the new 10-person limit on set as part of their health and safety protocols, ”Cutler added.


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