Filming for “Clerks III” to Begin on Kevin Smith’s Birthday


Photo: Darren Michaels / Weinstein Company / Kobal / Shutterstock

Remember how in Kevin Smith’s escape in 1994 Clerk, one of the clerks was playing addicted to his job as a clerk in a video store to spend time with this other clerk? Now the video stores are a historical relic similar to the Mayan pyramids, but not so well preserved, and all of these main characters of lazy youth have reached middle age. Today deadline announced that Smith will expand the View Askewuniverse with Registrars III, which is already in preproduction in New Jersey. The main actors of the first two films will reprise their roles, including Jeff Anderson (Randal), Brian O’Halloran (Dante), Jay Mewes (Jay), Rosario Dawson (Becky) and Smith as Silent Bob. The plot description sounds appropriately meta for this group of geeks: “In Clerk III, following a massive heart attack, Randal enlists Dante, Elias, Jay and Silent Bob to make a film immortalizing his life in the convenience store that started it all. They will shoot entirely on location in New Jersey.

Smith tweeted the announcement, writing, “To be great is to continue. To continue is to go far. To go far is to come back. Smith also clarified that filming will begin on August 2, his birthday.


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