Final Fantasy 14 announcements showcase to begin February 2021


Looking for updates on Final Fantasy 14? You won’t have to wait much longer, as it looks like there is news on the horizon that you’ll want to mark your calendar for, especially when it comes to the long-running MMORPG.

Square Enix will host a special announcements showcase for Final Fantasy 14 next year, which will include a live translation from Japanese to English. It will take place on February 5, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. PT / 8:30 p.m. ET, you might want to postpone your projects if you’re a fan looking for a good set of updates.

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“We have something else in store …” Final Fantasy XIV official Twitter accountteased. “We are going to announce some cool things.”

There was no other information shared during the tease, but it’s likely we’ll learn more about the game’s next expansion during this broadcast.

Prior to the announcement, we learned that patch 5.4: Futures Rewritten is expected to open a new chapter in the lore of the game. It will contain some new main story quests, a new raid dungeon in the form of Eden’s Promise (a series 8 player raid), a trial run in the form of Castrum Marinum, and updates to Chronicles of a New Era – The Sorrow of Werlyt.

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There are still a host of additional updates in the form of the new dungeon, the Relic of Matoya, an unreal navel trial, and a new Explorer Mode, which allows players to take screenshots. screen in dungeons without having to worry about enemies to bring them down.

There is a plethora of new content for existing players, and this patch is particularly large. But excitement will certainly continue to buzz around whatever Square Enix looks to announce next with its potentially upcoming expansion.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on what to expect for Final Fantasy 14 fans in the future, but it’s definitely something to look forward to.


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