Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers Log Three: all the advantages, not the disadvantages


It's ridiculous. Whenever I connect to continue my way Final Fantasy XIVLast expansion, I find more things to spring. Rather than spamming my Twitter followers with GIFs and references to Shadows mistsI use the third leg of my journey to a full review to get the most out of my system.

After I'm converted to the new dancer craft, that I like a lot, and move from my cat character to a rabbit-like Viera, the new breed of players that begins to grow on me, I'm not sure. I spent last week diving into the story continues. of Final Fantasy XIV. Shadows mists takes the level 70 hero from the player and transports him to a whole new world where he has ten levels of heroism to complete. I am currently at level 77 out of 80, having achieved many heroic feats such as defeat big beasts and find a nice pair of glasses to wear for my character.

Although I will do my best to avoid spoiling important points of the plot, there will be images and events in this journal that could spoil elements of the plot. Shadows mists& # 39; story. Here's a warning so I do not feel too bad about it.

Spoiler warning received? Excellent. Here are the good things so far.

L & # 39; s history

Final Fantasy XIV is very good at narration. Maybe not the first 20 levels or more, while the player is familiar with basic information such as the geography of Europe and who are the bad guys. It takes time for the whole story to unfold, so that adorable characters are loved and characters that we can hate are despised. But as soon as a player begins to approach level 50, the maximum level of the game, he is fully engaged in his role as a hero of the world, the Warrior of Light. By the time they caught up where Shadows mists Beginning, the 70-level hero has saved the world several times and released two countries from the grip of the evil Garlean Empire.

Then, as players begin to uncover the bonds that unite the Garleans and an ancient chaos breed called Ascians, who have been harassing the characters since the game's launch in 2013, the Warrior of Light is transported to a different world with a whole world . new set of problems. Called The First, it's a planet about to be engulfed by the power of light. With the exception of a few areas, wiped out by a flood of light, the remaining areas have not seen the night sky for more than a century. Stupid creatures called sin – eating creatures roam the earth, animated by voracious hunger for ether in living bodies. This is what happens when the balance between light and dark flips dangerously in favor of light.

This is an exceptional step for a Final Fantasy adventure. Players travel through the First's different regions to restore balance by eliminating the huge boss Sin Eaters, called Lightwardens. If a normal person kills a Lightwarden, it takes the light and becomes itself, but the player's character has the ability to absorb and contain light. When a player kills a Lightwarden, he remains dead and the day / night cycle is restored. Hurray!

As impressive as these massive battles are, they are not the best part of history. There are many dramatic story beats, narrative twists that will certainly surprise the seasoned players, but that is not the case either. We learn more about the small inhabitants of the isolated towns and villages of The First. How they treated the endless light. Where they find comfort and help against the imminent destiny of their world. How do they react when the light goes out and, for the first time in their lives, they contemplate the sunless sea of ​​the night sky.

I start getting goosebumps thinking about it. The best thing to do so that I can come back to the end of the story.

Horror and sadness

How can I explain the moments of heartbreaking sadness and the feelings of terror and disgust evoked by Shadows mistsHistory without mentioning specific events? This extension is not afraid to attach players to a person, place or thing and remove them in the blink of an eye. He is not afraid of taking an already dystopian society and denouncing suffering and injustice to "oh my god, I think I will be sick."

(Hello from the Final Fantasy XIV version of Rapture / Columbia)

Hrm, I think I just did it.

Old friends, new looks

In the last six years of Final Fantasy XIV, the players have made many non-player friends. Especially members of Scions of the Seventh Dawn, a group of powerful heroes to whom the player belongs since very early in the game's original story. Fortunately for the players, the entity responsible for their transportation to The First was a ugly shot and managed to bring back a good number of Scions before putting the Warrior of Light in a bag. And as time passes differently between the player's home world and The First, the Scions have wandered into the new world for over three years. The most important implication here is that each NPC undergoes a makeover.

It's nice to see old people dressed in new clothes. Sometimes very nice. For example, here is the wise Elven Quiz Uranger before Shadowbriingers.

And here is Urangier as it appears in Shadows mists, passing from the class of jobs to Astrologer and become the elf dad of each.

This whole section was mainly an excuse to drool over Urangier's makeover. It is a very good thing.


Final Fantasy XIV This seems good. It's always beautiful and it continues to look good. But there is something about artistic direction in Shadows mists which feels a bit above the older content. Take the GIF at the top of this post, for example.

The framing, the textures, it's such a wonderful moment that I had to grab it and save it. In the game, it is only a few seconds of fortuitous animation during a much longer cinematic, but it stole my breath.

Here are some of my favorite images, presented without context.

So good.

This song

Imagine that you are in your favorite online game and that you are listening to the soundtrack of the orchestra. You cross the line in a whole new area and hear this.

via Mekkah Dee

The song is called "Civilizations" and that's it. The songs, vocalizations, woods and rhythm come together to create something magical. The soundtrack of this extension is filled with music that stops me in my tracks every time I hear it. "Civilizations" is just one example.

And this other song

This is another example. It's the new fighting music. This is played when players fight random creatures wandering on the lands of the Premier.

via the gourmet geek

This is metal guitar and lyrical singing. It's the music to kill.

The Strip Club

This one is intended for the actors of the public. At the top of the tower town of Eulmore, there is an establishment called Beehive, where the high crust will enjoy the beautiful art of pole dance.

It may not be as elegant as some of the brothels gambling managed by the players, but it does have some purple charm. It's sure to be a favorite place for more daring RPGs. Or maybe it's just me.

Things I've already covered

Some things about the Shadows mists Expansion are so good that they have their own messages. These included:

I did not find much to complain about Final Fantasy XIVof the Shadows mists expansion. The new breeds, the Viera rabbit and the Hrothgar lion, feel a bit stuck, which I covered. The connection queues are in effect, but not particularly unpleasant. On my local Goblin server, I usually have between 20 and 40 players waiting to connect before me and the wait only takes a few minutes. Oh, the new Gunbreaker job class has led many people to dress up as Squall's Final Fantasy VIIIstanding and trying to look cool with their fancy pistols. It's bad, right?

Listen, I still have three levels and a piece of history to go through before reaching the end of the initial content of the extension. I will surely find more things to dislike by then. Wish me good luck.


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