Fire Emblem: Three Houses Presents Former Pop Singer Dorothea


By Sato . May 13, 2019. 5.30 am

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We have the latest character introduction for Fire Emblem: Three houses with Dorothea from the House of the Black Eagles, who was previously a popular singer in the imperial capital.

Dorothea (CV: Juri Nagatsuma)

Home: Black Eagles

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A student who was a popular singer in the imperial capital before registering. She admires the former singer Manuela, who was also part of the Mittelfrank Opera Company.

She is the only member of the House of Black Eagles to be born in Rotary, and she sometimes feels uncomfortable, but she treats everyone equally as friends of the same age.

Here is a presentation trailer of Dorothea, who knows that the protagonist is a teacher:

"Oh, my God, are not you a wonderful person? Is this your first time at the monastery? Do I have to take a ride? Ah, I'm calling Dorothea. Before I enrolled, I was part of an opera company in the imperial capital. "

Discover the previous introductions of Sothis, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude, Jeralt, Rhea, Hubert, Dudou, Lorenz and Manuela characters.

Fire Emblem: Three houses fate for Nintendo Switch on July 26, 2019. You can learn more about the protagonist here, the story and other characters here, about the game and battle systems here.

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