First batch of Johnson & Johnson vaccines comes with uplifting messages


President Joe Biden’s promise that 100 million Americans will be vaccinated in his first 100 days in office is nearing completion. This week the Deployment of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine added to the arsenal.

For the people who were shipping this vaccine, it was a very special delivery.

At McKesson, the company distributing the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, Monday’s first shipments gave hope and message. The first one said: “1st J&J pack out – be healthy.”

Kamryn Brown, a Kentucky facility supervisor responsible for vaccine shipments, told CBS News, “It all started with our great director of operations. After that, we all took turns signing our own messages and names. Mine was to ‘get the shot. Love Kamryn.’ “

Brown and the other supervisors, including Kristi Larson, signed the very first box.

“It was a moment of humility knowing that we now had the vaccine in our hands and we were able to ship it and send it to so many people,” Larson said. “I think I cried half the time.”

With regular dosing and refrigeration, this vaccine can more easily reach community health centers and rural areas of America. That’s why, for Brown, it’s not a job – it’s a mission.

“For me, it’s like I’m one of the frontline troops against the war on COVID,” she said.

And these troops trained. Before FDA approval, they performed exercises using soap boxes similar in size to vaccine packets.

“We practiced with Irish Spring soap to prepare for when we started getting orders,” said Larson. She added: “It smelled very good.”

The FDA signed, and they signed their names as well.

“I hope that seeing this post they knew we care and we will certainly continue to make sure they are well vaccinated, well stocked and that we are going to kick this COVID in. butt, ”Brown said.


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