First look at Reaper Specialist in Black Ops 4 – is it under control?


The release of Operation Apocalypse Z in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 introduced the new Reaper specialist in multiplayer mode, and many call his weapon and equipment too powerful.

the last major update of Black Ops 4 was posted online July 9, marking the launch of the fifth stream of content of the operation – Apocalypse Z.

As in previous operations, Apocalypse Z has brought many new content and modifications, including the addition of Reaper in multiplayer mode, after this character has already been played in Royal Battle Blackout.

The Reaper's weapon is called the Scythe – a machine gun with an extremely high firing rate and a high damage potential, which also causes a similar suppression effect to that from Mod.

In addition, the specialist also features Radar Shroud equipment, which deploys a scrambling device that hides an area of ​​the card from enemy mini-card scanners.


The mower appears to be one of the most powerful and devastating specialists in Black Ops 4.

While the Reaper has been in multiplayer for less than a day, many players have already taken note of the power of his weapon, even his power.

The Scythe is not only powerful enough to shred enemies in a few rounds, but it also seems to last long enough, allowing players to embark on a series of killings.

The powerful nature of his weapon also raised questions about the place of the Reaper in the competitive part of the game, as in the League Play and the CWL, especially at the end of the season.

How to unlock Reaper in Black Ops 4 Multiplayer?

The Reaper is currently available only on the PlayStation 4, thanks to Sony's exclusive agreement with Activision. It will be released on Xbox One and the PC, along with the rest of the Apocalypse Z operation, on July 16th.

PS4 users will find that unlocking the new Specialist is the simplest task. Indeed, you only need to reach the first level in the smuggling stream, which should not take more than two games in multiplayer.


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