Five tips for eating well to help you lose weight


Whatever your type of cyclist, it is too easy to suffer from an expanding middle section. This can not only affect your performance, but also your health in general.

The key to long-term weight loss is not simply counting calories or reducing carbohydrates, but following a program designed to reshape your body while improving its composition and maintaining its power.

It is fundamental to balance blood sugar, which is essential for losing fat while promoting increased muscle mass. In other words, balancing your blood glucose will help you boost your energy and performance during weight loss.

The adoption of the following principles and diet plan will not only produce quick results, but will also improve your cycling performance and your overall health.

1. Eat little and often

It is essential that cyclists feed frequently with the right foods. This ensures that there is a constant supply of glucose in the blood to be converted into energy. This also reduces the response to insulin, allowing your body to burn fat rather than storing it, which means effective and healthy weight loss associated with constant energy levels.

Two to three hours after eating, your blood sugar goes down. So you should aim to eat about every three hours, even if you do not train. Concretely, this means eating breakfast, a healthy mid-morning snack, lunch, another healthy snack for the afternoon and an evening meal.

During workouts or day walks, you can add one or two extra snacks. Choose them carefully – treat them as mini-meals and have them count nutritionally. You can choose different foods depending on the times, for example, when you need to hydrate, help you recover, or bring extra nutrients to your body. Here are some examples:

  • Pots of natural yoghurt, cottage cheese or cottage cheese and fruit, low in fat
  • Jars of hummus, guacamole or fish pate with a handful of carrot sticks, pepper, cucumber and celery
  • Bars with nuts and seeds (no added sugar)
  • Piece of fruit with 30g of hard cheese
  • Nature popcorn, crackers or pretzels (combined with a protein form)
  • Oatmeal or pumpernickel bread
  • Egg sticks and boiled vegetables
  • Flavored and low-fat milk shakes
  • Miso soup and lean ham / chicken
  • Homemade trail mix – a variety of nuts, dried fruits and ordinary shredded mini-wheat to nibble

2. Include proteins

Many weight loss diets do not work as expected and can lead to loss of muscle mass, slowing metabolism and even weight gain. To avoid such a scenario, it is important to make sure that your diet contains enough protein. As much as protein is one of the main constituents of your muscles.

Not all proteins are as beneficial to health as others

The inclusion of protein also has other important benefits: it slows down the rate of digestion and the rate at which sugars are released into the blood, helping you feel fuller longer and thus reducing your appetite. Since your blood sugar does not vary so dramatically, you are also less likely to suffer from food cravings and therefore overeating.

Not all proteins are as beneficial to health as others: red meat and dairy products contain a high proportion of saturated fats. While it's good to eat a weird steak, try to include more lean poultry, eggs, vegetarian protein and fish (especially oily fish – a good source of anti-human omega-3 fatty acids). inflammatory).

Tip: One serving is about 75 to 100 grams, which is the size of the palm of your hand. This equates to two eggs or three egg whites plus one egg yolk. For beans and legumes, it's 125 g / half cup (cooked).

Fill a little over a third of your plate (30 to 40%) with protein and combine it with a range of colorful vegetables, which contain vitamins, minerals and fibers that help fight against the acidity of the vegetables. protein-based foods.

3. Cut out the waste

Sugar has many disguises, be it sucrose, glucose, sorbitol, corn sugar, malt, molasses, golden, rice or maple syrup. All of these factors can contribute to instability in sugar levels, insulin resistance and weight gain.

Focus more on whole grain cereals (oats, barley, quinoa, rye) as they will help control cravings and maintain the same level of energy when riding.

Men eating fast food, chicken fries and fries

This can be comforting but your waistline will not thank you for eating junk food
Jonathan Knowles / Getty

Fruits and juices that quickly release the sugar they contain are good before, during and after walks, but eat them or drink them too often and this can boost your sugar level. Mix them with antioxidant-rich berries, citrus fruits, apples and pears that release their sugars more slowly.

4. eat essential fats

Forget low fat diets and count calories; Eating the right kind of fat is crucial for losing weight. Essential fats are those that your body can not make itself, so you have to get food.

Known as omega 3, 6 and essential fatty acids, they help your body make hormone-like substances (called prostaglandins) that control your metabolism and reduce inflammation. This means that such fats are used by your body to help you burn excess fat and improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your blood.

Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines and herring, as well as some nuts and seeds, including seeds, hemp and nuts, are generally lacking in the diet. feeding people. Try to eat oily fish at least twice a week and try to include a daily range of nuts, seeds and omega oils in your diet. Monounsaturated fatty acids are also beneficial. So you can nibble avocados drizzled with olive oil.

5. Get extra help

To keep your blood sugar stable, it may be helpful to supplement your diet. Start with a high strength multivitamin and mineral formula containing 20 to 50 mg of each of the key B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6) needed for energy production, at least 1 g of vitamin C and an essential supplement in omega.

You may want to add other nutrients known to help stabilize blood sugar and burn fat – the main choices are chromium, magnesium, alpha-lipoic acid, acid conjugated linolenic and supplements or protein powders. Finding the right amounts can be difficult, so it's important to use a dietitian to tailor a program to your needs.

Typical menu

  • Breakfast: Protein porridge made from oatmeal, milk or water and half a spoon of protein powder or ground seeds. Garnish with yogurt and half a cup of berries or fruit
  • Mid-morning snack: a fruit, nuts and seeds
  • Breakfast: Bean or chicken salad mixed with half a can of mixed beans and at least five different vegetables, sprouted seeds and vinegar with the help of an omega-blend oil. A slice of rye bread or pumpernickel bread spread with pumpkin seeds or tahini butter
  • Snack in the middle of the afternoon: a protein shake
  • Having dinner: pan-fried salmon with steamed vegetables and half a cup of buckwheat noodles. Use a piece of fish the size of a palm and a wide selection of vegetables


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