Flight Attendant Union Calls for Inquiry into Filmed "Sexist" Skit


A union representing flight attendants is asking American Airlines to investigate a video of a sketch describing flight attendants dancing suggestively to attract passengers, the group said Sunday in a statement.

The video, which was posted on Twitter, shows women dressed up as flight attendants who sing and dance "Big Spender" around a man representing a Platinum customer of American Airlines.

"This can not happen in today's environment and we will not tolerate our profession being objectified sexistically," said the National President of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (Lorne Bassani). "We want the facts about the involvement of society and we want answers."

APFA has asked American Airlines' General Manager, Doug Parker, to conduct an investigation and request information on the management's involvement in the skit.

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In a letter sent Sunday to American Airlines employees, the carrier stated that the skit had taken place at an event organized by customers and held in a private residence. American Airlines did not participate in the event and did not see the agenda in advance.

The airlines said he was particularly upset to see his logo on the screen during the skit.

"We contacted this group of customers who organized the event to express our dissatisfaction with the content of the skit," said the statement from American Airlines. "In addition, we will continue our discussions with APFA on this issue."


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