Florida: 6-year-old child arrested, handcuffed for a temper tantrum in elementary school


A six-year-old Florida woman was arrested, handcuffed and fingerprinted after launching a temper tantrum in her elementary school class in Orlando – and her grandmother is not happy .

"She was accused of battery!", Told NBC affiliate WFLA-TV, his super-daughter Kaia, confused with Meralyn Kirkland.

The grandmother said that the girl was suffering from sleep apnea, a problem on which she works through medication, and that she was moving on to something else, and that she was n & # 39; He should never have been removed from his elementary school in handcuffed Orlando.

The grandmother of the girl said that she was horrified to learn that Kaia had been arrested on Thursday after kicking a staff member of the Lucious Charter School and Emma Nixon.

The abuser was handcuffed and driven 13 km from the Orlando Juvenile Detention Center, where she took her fingerprints and was caught taking pictures, the report said.

Kirkland said she had received a call from someone at the elementary school informing her that her son was in custody.

"What do you mean by the fact that she was arrested?" Kirkland remembers during this incredible call.

"He said:" There was an incident and she kicked someone, she is charged and she goes away. "

"No six-year-old child should be able to tell anyone that he was handcuffed and that he was at the back of a police car and taken away in a car." a juvenile center for fingerprinting, "Kirkland said.

Kaia was one of two children arrested that day, another eight years old, and an internal investigation is under way, according to the local Click Click information website.


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