Florida Democratic Party Chairman criticizes DeSantis for high COVID-19 cases in state


The Florida Democratic Party chairman on Friday criticized the GOP Gov. Ron DeSantisRon DeSantis Florida Democratic Party Chairman Slams DeSantis For High COVID-19 Cases In State Florida Reports Record High Number Of New COVID-19 Cases On The Money: Five Takeaways From A Great Report On July jobs PLUS for the record number of COVID-19 cases in the state, accusing the chief of “aggravate this worsening health crisis” by banning the mandates of vaccines and masks.

President Manny Diaz released a statement in response to news that Florida has registered 22,783 new cases of COVID-19, the highest number recorded in a single day in the Sunshine State since the start of the pandemic.

Florida also recorded a new coronavirus hospitalization record for the fifth day in a row, with 12,864 patients currently hospitalized with COVID-19 infections.

Diaz joined in criticism of DeSantis for its hands-off approach to the pandemic, writing that “wCatching a slow disaster unfolding with no one to stop it causes a special sense of dread.

“It’s a feeling that Floridians have become very familiar with over the past few weeks,” he continued. “Day in and day out we have seen the explosive growth of new COVID cases and hospitalizations, but the only person who can help us get out of harm’s way isn’t just doing it, he’s actually guiding us more and more. far. “

“As the nation watched in disbelief, Governor Ron DeSantis has failed to act to save Florida lives and insists on making this worsening health crisis worse,” continued Diaz, who from 2001 to 2009 was mayor of Miami.

The party chairman said DeSantis “is preventing local governments, school boards and private companies from implementing common sense public health measures to slow the rate of infections” and “blames immigrants for its failures in instead of admitting mistakes ”.

“Ultimately, this is nothing more than a brazen effort to bow to his party’s radical anti-masking, anti-vaccination and COVID denial segment,” he added. “It is morally wrong.”

Diaz specifically cited concerns about how the growing number of cases could affect students returning to Florida schools in the coming weeks, particularly after DeSantis issued its order banning school districts from requiring masks among students.

“There is no way around this: we are a leaderless adrift state as we face the biggest public health crisis in recent memory,” he concluded.

DeSantis continued to defend its bans on school mask warrants and vaccine passports, arguing that residents who do not want to wear face covers or who choose not to be vaccinated should not be punished.

However, his approach drew criticism from many Democrats, including President BidenJoe Biden Florida Democratic Party Chairman slams DeSantis over high cases of COVID-19 in the state Larry David, late-night talkers cut from Obama’s birthday guest list Democrats of the House select Riggleman as advisor to the January 6 committee PLUS, who said the pandemic-era decisions of DeSantis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) were “bad health policy”, telling governors who have not imposed measures to fight the virus to “steer clear of people who are trying to do the right thing”.

DeSantis hit back at Biden’s remarks, telling a press conference on Wednesday that he would continue to “stand” in Biden’s place to “attack parents’ rights in Florida.”


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