Florida governor signed a bill allowing teachers to carry firearms


The controversial Safe Schools Bill arrived on the governor's office after passing Florida House last week.

Representative Dane Eagle, who supported the bill, said that this does not mean that all teachers would have weapons.

"There is no waiting line where we distribute firearms to teachers who walk through a door," Eagle said.

The measure allows school districts to participate in the program. This is not an obligation for teachers or districts, reported CNN affiliate WFOR. District teachers who choose to participate will be required to undergo police-type training, psychiatric assessment and drug testing.

Not all school districts support the move.

"We do not think that arming teachers is the best way to make our schools safer," Broward Schools director Robert Runcie said in a statement. Runcie said the Broward County School Board had passed a resolution against the arming of teachers in March 2018.

The latest bill is based on the recommendations of the Public Safety Commission of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School after the massacre last year in Parkland. It extends the measure signed last year that imposes new restrictions on the sale of firearms and allows some teachers and staff members to carry firearms to school, reported WFOR.


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