Florida monitors generators of retirement homes after the death of Hurricane Irma


The state has required security improvements after the death of 12 people when Hurricane Irma cut off power in a retirement home in 2017. After the deaths, then Gov. Rick Scott has identified new emergency requirements that require nursing homes and assisted living centers to have a generator and sufficient fuel to maintain a comfortable temperature for at least 96 hours after power failure.
Facilities must have an emergency power plan to ensure that air conditioners maintain temperatures below 81 degrees.

"I think this sends a very important message: if you are entrusted to the care of this vulnerable population, it is your responsibility to have a plan in anticipation of what will happen," said Governor Ron DeSantis.

The 67 counties of Florida are in a state of emergency as the state prepares for what could be the most powerful hurricane to hit its east coast in nearly three decades.
At 105 mph, Dorian is the strongest storm of the hurricane season in the Atlantic. According to CNN weather forecasts, Brandon Miller, if the sustained winds are around 130 km / h, it will reach the shores of the east coast of Florida since 1992, according to forecasts.

At the beginning of Friday, Dorian was a Category 2 storm.


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