Florida reports record number of new Covid-19 cases this week


The previous record was set on Jan.8, with 125,937 cases reported over seven days, for an average of 17,991 cases per day, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

This week’s total is about 22% higher than last week, when the state reported 110,477 total cases, for an average of around 15,782 new cases each day.

About 1 in 5 cases of Covid-19 have been reported in Florida in the past two weeks, although the state represents less than 7% of the US population, according to data from the US Census Bureau.

With data released Friday, Florida now has the second highest rate of new cases per capita – after Louisiana – with about 90 new cases per 100,000 people every day over the past week. Overall, the United States averages about 30 new cases per 100,000 people every day.

Florida has reported 175 deaths and a new case positivity rate of 18.9%, according to state data.

Cars line up at a Covid-19 test site behind the wheel of the Econ Soccer complex in Orlando on August 4, 2021.

Even before the data was released on Friday, Florida had become the epicenter of the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States, which is reeling from a wave of cases and hospitalizations propelled by the Delta variant.

In addition to infections, hospitalizations are also on the rise. The state has the highest number of hospitalizations per capita nationally, with 63 hospitalizations per 100,000 population, according to a CNN analysis of Johns Hopkins and U.S. health and human services data.

Data released Thursday by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed the state to lead the country in the number of adults and children admitted to hospitals with confirmed cases of Covid-19, with 12,373 adults and 143 children hospitalized at the time.

The Florida Hospital Association said in a statement Tuesday that it expected 60% of hospitals in the state to face a “critical staff shortage” within the next seven days. At the time, the FHA said hospitalizations were up 13% from the state’s previous peak on July 23, 2020, citing a hospital survey completed on August 2.

As for vaccinations, about 49% of the population of Florida has been fully vaccinated, according to CDC data. The number of doses administered has increased in recent days, with a 7-day average of approximately 67,364 doses administered per day over the past week, compared to approximately 54,070 two weeks ago.


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