Florida's director removed from office for refusing to call a fact the reality of the Holocaust


Spanish River Community High School in Boca Raton, Florida


Spanish River Community High School is one of the largest public schools in Palm Beach County.

The director of an American school was fired after telling a parent that he would remain neutral about whether the holocaust occurred or not.

William Latson wrote in an email that he could not say "the Holocaust is a factual and historical event".

His comments triggered a brutal response, with more than 9,000 people signing an online petition demanding its withdrawal.

More than six million Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany during the Second World War, but the denial of the Holocaust persists.

Mr. Latson's views were revealed during an email exchange with a parent last year, the Palm Beach Post reported.

The parent, who was not identified, wanted to ensure that the high school community of the Spanish River in Boca Raton, Florida, was educating the Holocaust about the Holocaust. priority.

In an email published by the newspaper, Mr. Latson said that the school was organizing "various activities" on Holocaust education, but added that the lessons were "not imposed on individuals, because we all have the same rights, but not the same beliefs ".

The parent responded by asking, "The Holocaust is a factual and historical event. This is not a right or a belief.

Mr. Latson replied, "Not everyone believes that the Holocaust took place." I can not say that the Holocaust is a factual and historical event because I am not able to do as a school district employee.

"I authorize information on the holocaust and students and parents to make decisions accordingly."

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Protests are still organized to commemorate the millions of people murdered in concentration camps such as Auschwitz

On Monday, Palm Beach County school officials said Mr. Latson was reassigned "with immediate effect". In a statement, he stated that the head of the school had "made a grave error of judgment" and that his leaders had become "a major source of distraction for the school community".

"In addition to being offensive, the statement of the director is supported neither by the school district administration nor by the school board," he said.

In a statement to the Palm Beach Post, Mr. Latson apologized for his comments, saying that they "did not accurately reflect my professional and personal commitment to educate all students about the atrocities of the world." # 39; Holocaust. "

"It is essential that as a society we keep the memory of the victims and firmly adhere to our commitment to fight against anti-Semitism," he wrote.


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