Folding phones are a disaster in progress / Boing Boing


Damon Beres notes that the situation of folding screens is quickly going to hell.

Enter Samsung Galaxy Fold, a kind of glass and metal taco that could define a new category of personal devices, provided that the company can make it work. Some technical writers accidentally broke the gadget's foldable display shortly after receiving replay units, prompting Samsung to indefinitely delay launching the Galaxy Fold. On Monday, the company announced that it would provide an update in the "next few weeks". (Samsung's official pre-order link for the Galaxy Fold now leads to a 404-page page.)

But even if Samsung ends up saying that the problems are solved, you should not buy one. Not yet anyway. There are obvious problems that go beyond breakable display. The Galaxy Fold is extremely expensive at $ 1,980, and the evaluation units contained design flaws revealed during a disassembly performed by iFixit. (Faced with pressure from Samsung, iFixit later withdrew its "out of respect" review to the partner who had scared the phone away.)

Impossible to buy a new one at any cost.

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Rob Beschizza

Follow Rob @beschizza on Twitter.



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