For millennia, climate change is stronger than biological


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By James Rainey

SEATTLE – Erika Lundahl writes and plays her own songs. She works in Seattle for a company that publishes books on the environment. She thinks a lot about how best to take her place in the world. Yet despite this busy life, Lundahl, at 27, feels a clock – OR TWO – ticking.

Its biological clock, certainly, but also the one that is resistant to global warming or that may have to live with a child in a seriously marginalized world.

"There is this feeling that if you do not have children soon, you could put them in a more difficult position," Lundahl said. "But if you have them, it will not be easy either, with storms, intense droughts, precarious weather. It's like playing with two time bombs: yours and the one on the planet. "

The fear of bringing children into a troubled world can be as old as recorded history. The government announced last year that the birth rate in the United States had reached its lowest level in 30 years, in part because of Generation Y who felt under economic strain.

But climate concerns also seem to be increasing. Since elementary school, young adults have been taught that life on Earth promises to become more precarious. Now groups have formed to support conversation around the tenuous future. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Recently posted a video on Instagram Live that drew attention to this issue. Given the impending impact of climate change, she asked, "Is it okay to continue having children?

A recent survey by Business Insider found that 30% of Americans agree, at least, that the potentially harmful effects of climate change should be factored into the decision to have children. Just over 8% of respondents share this view. And a New York Times poll last summer found that 11% of those who do not want children or are not sure they cited climate change are one of the reasons.

New revelations fuel uncertainty, including a report released in November by US government scientists detailing the myriad of threats climate change poses to the US economy and way of life. According to the report, drought in the southwest, strong hurricanes in the south and devastating wildfires in California have all been exacerbated by rising temperatures, fueled by the burning of fossil fuels by humanity.


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