Form swim goggles display heart rate data in the pool


Swimmers will be able to see their heart rate in their field of view, thanks to Swim Goggles' augmented reality capabilities and the tiny transparent display inside one of the lenses. The polar sensors attach themselves to the glasses with a strap and sit against the swimmer's temple. The data will be transmitted wirelessly and in real time to the swimming goggles. The completed swim data will be synchronized with the Form Swim app, which will match the heart rate data with metrics such as split times, running speeds, pace and calories.

Tracking heart rate is extremely important for swimmers, especially when they are splitting. For the first time, swimmers will be able to see this data while swimming, without pausing or leaving the pool. "By adding to the arsenal of measures that our glasses already provide, we will give serious swimmers the care to make their training even smarter and more focused," said Form founder and CEO, Dan Eisenhardt.


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