Former Covid vaccine czar Moncef Slaoui sorry for sexual harassment complaint


Former GlaxoSmithKline executive Moncef Slaoui chats with President Donald J. Trump during a vaccine development event in the White House Rose Garden on Friday, May 15, 2020 in Washington, DC.

Jabin Botsford | The Washington Post | Getty Images

Moncef Slaoui, who led Covid vaccination development efforts under the Trump administration, said on Wednesday he was “deeply sorry” for a woman whose sexual harassment allegations led to her ouster earlier today as chairman of a company backed by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline.

Slaoui also said he was taking time off from his positions at other healthcare companies and a venture capital firm to focus on his family, to whom he also apologized.

Slaoui, who spent 30 years at GSK, was chief scientist for Operation Warp Speed, the US government’s project to develop vaccines to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

On Wednesday, GSK said its board of directors fired the 61-year-old as chairman of Galvani Bioelectronics over “valid” allegations that he sexually harassed and engaged in inappropriate conduct towards a GSK employee. A few years ago. GSK is the majority shareholder of Galvani.

The woman made the allegations in a letter sent to GSK in February. A law firm hired by the pharmaceutical company, Morgan, Lewis & Bokius, continues to investigate his allegations.

Slaoui, in his statement Wednesday evening, said: “It is with deep regret that I take note of today’s statement from GlaxoSmithKline plc regarding my resignation as chairman of the board of Galvani.”

“I have the utmost respect for my colleagues and I am sorry that my actions have put a former colleague in an uncomfortable position. I would like to apologize wholeheartedly to the employee concerned and I am deeply sorry for any distress caused, “he said.

“I would also like to apologize to my wife and family for the pain this is causing,” Slaoui said.

“I will work hard to redeem myself with all those impacted by this situation,” he said.

Slaoiui is married to Kristen Slaoui, who was previously Vice President and Head of Business Development at GSK.

GSK issued a damning statement about Slaoui announcing his dismissal from Galvani.

“Dr Slaoui’s behavior is totally unacceptable,” wrote GSK, which is removing Slaoui’s name from its vaccine research center in Rockville, Maryland.

The company also said that Slaoui’s actions “represent an abuse of his leadership position, violate company policies and run counter to the strong values ​​that define GSK’s culture.”

“The company expects everyone at GSK to behave in accordance with its values, especially its leaders where they have the highest standards.”

In a separate letter to employees, GSK CEO Emma Walmsley said she was “shocked and angry about all of this, but I am resolute.”

“I want to be clear that sexual harassment is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated,” Walmsley wrote.

“Protecting the woman who came forward and her privacy has been a key priority throughout this time. This will continue, ”Walmsley wrote. “I respect and admire his courage and strength. I’ve spent many nights lately putting myself in his shoes. More than anything, this just shouldn’t have happened.”

Galvani is a medical research company specializing in the development of bioelectronic drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases. It was formed through a partnership between GSK and Verily Life Sciences, formerly known as Google Life Sciences. Verily is a subsidiary of the parent company of Google Alphabet.

Slaoui joined Centessa Pharmaceuticals last month as Scientific Director and Advisor.

Centessa was founded by venture capital firm Medicxi. Slaoui has been a Medicxi partner since 2017.

Slaoui is also chairman of the board of directors of the vaccine company Vaxcyte.

A spokesperson for GSK, when asked if the company would share the details of its investigation of Slaoui with other companies he is affiliated with, said: “We do not share anything beyond what we do. have said publicly yet.


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