Former GOP Chairman Ryan Slams Efforts To Challenge Electoral College Results


Former president Paul RyanPaul Davis’ political future RyanTrump depends on his ability to change McCarthy courts the Freedom Caucus with an eye on Speakership American Greatness editor on how Trump’s abandonment of populism affected the 2020 election MORE (R-Wis.) Sunday criticized efforts by Congressional Republicans to overturn the 2020 election results.

“The efforts to reject the votes of the Electoral College and to sow doubt on Joe bidenJoe Biden appeals court dismisses Gohmert’s election lawsuit against Pence Romney: Plan to challenge ‘blatant election ploy’ that ‘dangerously threatens’ Pence country ‘welcomes’ lawmakers ‘efforts to’ raise objections ” to the electoral college results PLUSThe victory of the strike at the founding of our republic. It is difficult to conceive of a more anti-democratic and anti-conservative act than federal intervention to overturn the results of state-certified elections and deprive millions of Americans, ”Ryan said in a statement.

“The Trump campaign had ample opportunity to challenge the election results, and these efforts failed for lack of evidence,” the statement continued. “The legal process has been exhausted and the results have been definitively confirmed. The Justice Department also failed to find a basis to overturn the result. If states wish to reform their processes for future elections, that is their prerogative. But Joe Biden’s victory is completely legitimate. “

The Trump campaign and his allies have attempted numerous legal challenges to the election results, which failed to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, including two lawsuits rejected by the Supreme Court.

Ryan, who was president for the first two years of Trump’s tenure, has largely avoided influencing the news since his departure, but previously called on the president to accept the election results in late November, at a time when the general The service administration refused to approve the transition.

“I think maybe even more important is that these legal challenges to the outcome and attacks on our voting system really need to stop, in my opinion,” Ryan said at a Bank of America virtual conference. “The result will not be changed and will only serve to undermine our faith in our system of government, our faith in our democracy.”

His. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyRomney: Plan to challenge election ‘blatant scheme’ that ‘dangerously threatens’ country Toomey, Murkowski to oppose GOP efforts to challenge election results 11 Senate Republicans say that they will oppose the results of the Electoral College on Wednesday PLUS (R-Utah), which named Ryan its 2012 presidential candidate, also criticized the efforts of 12 GOP senators and more than 100 House Republicans to overturn the result.

The Utah Republican joined a bipartisan group of 10 senators in saying “the election is over.”

“At this point, further attempts to question the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election are contrary to the clearly expressed will of the American people and only serve to undermine the confidence of Americans in the already determined election results. “, They said in a joint statement. declaration.


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