Former Maryland County Police Chief is likely to become the next Capitol Police Chief


The Associated Press reported earlier Monday that Manger had been selected as the new chef.

Base officers have recorded their dissatisfaction with the leadership since the Jan.6 Capitol uprising, which injured dozens of officers and resulted in the deaths of two, despite the department’s attempts to boost morale. Chad Thomas, the No. 2 Capitol Police chief overseeing most of its uniformed officers, resigned in early June after surviving a previous Capitol Police union no-confidence vote, along with Pittman.

And the release of a two Senate committee report, which shed light on the intelligence failures that led to the insurgency, fueled officers’ appeals to leaders in Pittman and the Capitol Police for the role of Pittman as head of the force’s intelligence division during the riot. .

The department also faces a potential cash shortage before next month, and without Congressional action, it may be unable to pay agent salaries as early as next month due to increased overtime costs. It remains to be seen, however, whether the department might be able to transfer money into its accounts to cover expenses and avoid time off.

The National Guard could also be forced to cut back on training due to the increased costs incurred after the insurgency of supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Congress negotiators remain distant on their proposed legislative corrections. Republicans have issued a roughly $ 633 million bill dealing only with National Guard and Capitol Police deficits, while Democrats want a much larger package to meet other security needs around the Capitol building and providing visas to Afghan nationals who aided the US war effort.


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