Former Nintendo of America president Reggie to step down from GameStop board


Last March, Reggie Fils-Aimé joined GameStop’s board of directors. Now, just over a year later, it was announced that the former Nintendo of America president is one of eight members who are expected to leave the company after its annual meeting in June.

This information comes from a GameStop repository, which also reveals that Kathy Vrabeck – a former leader of Activision – will be leaving, although her release was originally announced in January.

GameStop notes how this revenue can disrupt operations, strategic direction, and the company’s ability to generate shareholder value. The stock market saga and the global pandemic obviously didn’t help either. And it also clarifies that it is not because of a disagreement about operations, policies or practices.

“The planned retirements are not due to a disagreement with us on any matter relating to our operations, policies or practices.”

As far as we know, Reggie has plenty of reasons to fall back. Last year he joined the board of Brunswick Corporation – a “world class leader in the maritime industry”, engaged as a strategic advisor to Rogue Games, and was also placed on the board. directors of Spin Masters – a leading children’s entertainment company.


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