Former press secretary fears Trump 2024 race


  • Stephanie Grisham served as White House press secretary from July 2019 to April 2020.
  • She was also chief of staff to former first lady Melania Trump.
  • She resigned from the Trump administration after the Jan.6 uprising.

A former spokeswoman for ex-President Donald Trump said she now believes he will run again in 2024 – and that his administration’s “disinformation” on COVID-19 has claimed lives, causing her to go from a “true believer” to a critic.

“Looks like he’s going to try to run in 2024,” former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that aired Monday. “I didn’t do it at first, but I’m starting to believe he will. He is clearly the frontrunner of the Republican Party. Everyone is showing their loyalty to him.”

Grisham, who resigned from the Trump administration in the wake of the Jan.6 uprising – and what legal experts say was an attempted coup – warned that a second term for the former president on the would likely see focusing on “revenge” and unveiling “pretty draconian policies.”

“There were conversations, often, where people were like, ‘This will be the second term. This will be the second term.’ Meaning: we won’t have to worry about another election, ”Grisham said.

In a separate interview with ABC’s Juju Chang, Grisham explained why she was “terrified of him showing up in 2024”, saying she believed he “would instigate more violence”.

“I don’t think it’s made for the job,” she said. “I think he’s erratic. I think he can be delusional. I think he’s a narcissist and cares about him first and foremost. And I don’t want him to be our president again. . “

Grisham – who helped sell the former president’s program when he was in power – admitted she shares some of the blame.

“I would have liked to talk more about COVID, our response to COVID,” she told Chang. “I wish I had told him he has to wear a mask.”

She said the administration’s disinformation about the pandemic – downplaying the usefulness of masks and opposing public health orders – had resulted in the deaths of more people.

“I don’t know if you can ever fully forgive yourself for being part of this,” she said.


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