Former Stanford student whose parents paid $ 6.5 million under the control of prosecutors


Federal prosecutors sent a letter to a former Stanford student whose parents paid $ 6.5 million to the brain of the college admissions program informing her that she was a potential target of their investigation, said a person familiar with the investigation.

Yusi Zhao and two other people whose parents reportedly used the services of consultant William "Rick" Singer, a consultant at the University of Newport Beach, received the letters, said the source, who told The Times in the cover of anonymity. Singer pleaded guilty to four charges and admitted to developing a scheme to take wealthy children to the best universities through bribes, false references and rigged tests.

Neither Zhao nor his parents were indicted in the case that trapped 50 people, including Hollywood actresses and financiers.

A lawyer for Zhao's mother said on Thursday that the family believed Singer's seven-figure payment was a charitable donation intended to fund scholarships, staff salaries and programs for students in need. Stanford.

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