Former Trump aide sues Grisham over abuse allegations


Former Trump administration member and Ohio congressional candidate Max Miller sued former White House press secretary Stephanie GrishamStephanie GrishamGrisham: Time in the Trump administration “will follow me forever” Trump often said “crazy things” to foreign leaders: Grisham Grisham says she said Trump’s relationship with his aide had become abusive ” and they didn’t seem to care “MORE following allegations that he mistreated her.

In an op-ed published in the Washington Post on Tuesday, Grisham wrote that she told the former President TrumpDonald Trump Biden Announces On The Money Arts & Humanities Endowment Nominations – Presented By NRHC – Democrats Break Debt Ceiling Rubicon Trump Backs Diehl For Massachusetts Governor, Slams ‘RINO’ Baker MORE and former first lady Melanie TrumpMelania TrumpGrisham: Time in the Trump administration “will follow me forever” Trump often said “crazy things” to foreign leaders: Grisham Grisham says she said Trump’s relationship with his aide had become abusive ” and they didn’t seem to care “MORE that his relationship with a White House aide had become abusive.

“They knew when we had a dog for my birthday. They knew when we broke up. They also knew when the relationship had become abusive – and they didn’t seem to care,” Grisham wrote, not naming Miller in the article.

Grisham spoke in more detail about the abuse during his appearance on “The Lead with Jake tapperJacob (Jake) Paul TapperGottheimer: “No Reason” Democrats Should Not Pass Infrastructure Bill Immediately CONTINUED”Tuesday, claiming that she had intentionally not included the name of her former partner because she had” moved “.

Now has reported that Miller, a former senior Trump adviser, has asked a Cleveland judge to prevent Grisham from repeating claims she made in her op-ed for the Post.

Miller is currently a candidate to replace Rep. Anthony GonzálezAnthony Gonzalez Juan Williams: GOP’s assault on voting rights is the real fraud (R-Ohio) in the 16th Congressional District of Ohio.

A full and independent investigation will not only confirm that Ms Grisham has ‘no evidence’ to corroborate her allegations against Mr Miller as she conceded as a precautionary measure in her Washington Post article this morning, but will also establish that she made false allegations against him in retaliation for breaking her heart by ending their relationship and subsequently becoming engaged to Emily Moreno, “Miller’s attorney Larry Zukerman said in a statement , according to the media.

Zukerman claims Grisham texted Miller after their breakup saying she still loved him.

The Hill has reached out to Zukerman for further comment.

Grisham has shared numerous claims over the past few weeks regarding her time in the White House as she promotes her new book “I’ll Answer Your Questions Now: What I Saw at the Trump White House.”

In an excerpt, Grisham wrote that Trump often said “crazy things” to foreign leaders.

“The president often said crazy things to foreign leaders. Sometimes it was just silly or offensive, sometimes it was flippant remarks that inadvertently upset the carefully crafted policies of our diplomacy and national security professionals, sometimes it was pure bluster, ”Grisham wrote.

Grisham also expressed regret for working for the Trump administration, saying in an interview this week that his tenure in the White House had been a mistake.

“We didn’t think about serving the country anymore, it was about surviving there,” Grisham said during his appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America”.

The former president largely brushed aside the claims made in the book.

“She became very angry and bitter after her break-up and over time she was rarely invoked or even considered. She was having big problems and we thought she had to sort it out on her own. Now, like everyone else, she gets paid by a radical left-wing editor to say bad and wrong things, ”Trump said in a statement to The Hill obtained last week.


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