Former Trump official warns unvaccinated people what to expect from Delta variant


Admiral Brett Giroir, Trump’s White House COVID-19 testing czar, explained Friday what unvaccinated people should expect from the spread of the highly transmissible delta variant of the coronavirus.

“If you’re not vaccinated and you’ve never had COVID before, you’re going to get the delta variant,” Giroir told CNN’s Chris Cuomo.

“On average, one person will pass this to nine people, unlike the original virus, which spread to two or three,” he explained.

Giroir expressed concern about people who rely on natural immunity against a previous infection as their only protection against the disease.

“Natural immunity is real and it offers protection,” he said. “But there is more and more accumulated evidence that this immunity is waning and it is not so good against delta.”

“So I am very worried and I support the recommendations that even if you have had COVID, you should also get vaccinated,” he added of the injections proven to safely and effectively curb transmission and prevent serious illnesses.

Giroir’s comments came after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned in internal documents of a change in “the war” on COVID-19 due to the highly infectious delta variant that has spread to the nationwide.


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