Former Yankees star Alex Rodriguez attends ‘epic’ July 4th party as Jennifer Lopez has ‘best time of her life’ with Ben Affleck


Alex Rodriguez has made quite a statement in the neighborhood that he could end up sharing with ex-fiancee Jennifer Lopez over the holiday weekend.

The former Yankee greats arrived at Fanatics boss Michael Rubin’s party in the Hamptons on Sunday by helicopter, according to Page Six. A-Rod is said to have witnessed the Bronx Bombers vs. Mets implode in the Subway series before getting on the helicopter for the starry night featuring an impressive array of celebrities ranging from Jay-Z (who did an arrival in a green Rolls-Royce that matched his multi-million dollar wristwatch) to New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft and his pal Jon Bon Jovi to struggling MLB commissioner Rob Manfred to Meek Mill and Karlie Kross.

“The party was epic, even for the Hamptons,” said one of Page Six’s underground sources.

A-Rod’s getaway came days after Page Six reported “feverish activity” at J-Lo’s Hamptons mansion – on the road to an A-Rod rents – sparked speculation that she and Ben Affleck may soon be bringing Bennifer 2.0 to the posh summer enclave.

In other J-Lo news: She told Apple News on Monday that she was “super happy,” although she made sure not to specifically mention Affleck.

“I love all the love that is coming to me right now and all the good wishes,” she added according to Page Six. “And I just want everyone to know it’s the best time. It’s the best time of my life.

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