Fort Bend judge grants protection order against Tom Hanks’ son, Chet


A Fort Bend County judge in January granted a temporary protective order against Chester Hanks at the behest of his girlfriend, who said the actor was physically and verbally abusive, court records show.

Hanks, the son of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, was ordered on Jan. 14 to stop communicating with his girlfriend and stay away from her, court records show. The actor, who goes through Chet, has also been banned from owning a gun. The couple lived together in Sugar Land, among other places, and had been dating for the past year, according to court documents.

In the woman’s protection order request, she described cases of domestic violence from last October. The couple were staying in New Orleans while Hanks was filming for the show “Your Honor” when Hanks turned hostile, according to an affadavit filed in court. Hanks allegedly grabbed the woman’s arm, threw a bottle at her and dragged her away from their hotel room door as she tried to leave, according to the affadavit.

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Court documents allege that Hanks broke the woman’s phone, threatened to jump off a balcony if she left and called her a “ghetto Black b-“. When hotel security arrived to speak with the woman, she told them everything was fine because she was afraid of future problems and didn’t want to get in trouble or tarnish the actor’s name, said affadavit.

At the couple’s home in Sugar Land in December, Hanks said he would “blow (his girlfriend) ‘s brains out” and “he too will blow his brains out,” according to the affadavit. The woman took her children to another residence and hid the man’s gun from her.

In January, the woman told Hanks she was leaving him. He became enraged and verbally abusive, driving erratically on his way home from dinner, court documents show. When the woman went to the Sugar Land home to collect her things a few days later, Hanks put her hand on a knife in the kitchen and the woman threw a pot in front of her before running out of the house, the woman said. affadavit.

Hanks chased after her, growling and pushing her while trying to grab her phone and kick her in the legs, court documents show. She screamed and the neighbors called the police. Hanks ran inside and came out screaming that his gun was missing, the affadavit said.

In the protective order, the court said it had found that Hanks had committed acts of domestic violence and “there is a clear and present danger” that it will happen again unless it is detained under a court order.

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