Fortnite and Houseparty team up for in-game video chat


Besides being one of the most popular games in the world, Fortnite has also become a virtual meeting place for friends. On Wednesday, Epic announced that FortniteVirtual Hangouts are updated with a new in-game video chat.

FortniteThe video chat will be hosted by Houseparty, an app that Epic has partnered with on several occasions in the past. Players will be able to download the Houseparty app on their phone, connect Houseparty to their Fortnite , then join Houseparty chat rooms with their friends while they play together on PC or PlayStation. Now your Houseparty cat will appear on the edge of your screen during your Fortnite Game.

This feature will definitely be a fun addition to standard battle royale matches, but it’s with Fortniteother content that could be the most fun. Over the past year, Fortnite has hosted dozens of concerts, first trailers, and even fully in-game movies. And with much of the United States and the world still grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, this should be a fun way. to bring Fortnitegathering and events a little closer to real life.

The Houseparty integration is expected to be available later today and will work on PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. As a bonus for linking their Epic accounts to their Houseparty accounts, players will also receive a Rainbow Fog Wrap for their weapons. More information on the security features and parental controls for Houseparty chats can be found on Epic’s official announcement page.


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