Fortnite collegiate duo withdraws and calls Epic Games after victory


Many pros and Fortnite players have threatened to leave the game if Epic Games does not change its approach to sports. Two college players kept the promise after winning an event.

Epic Games has struggled to find a balance between Fortnite's occasionally fortunate experience and the competitive scene. Each of these parts of the community is extremely important to the success of the game, but Epic's competitive support has been deemed insufficient.

Professional players like Tfue, Chap and others have talked about leaving the game completely if Epic does not change anything. Two college players have now fulfilled their promise to start directly after winning a key tournament.

College players leave Fortnite after victory

After getting hooked and winning the Starleague Collegiate Championships, Mister.Lemon & JACK0 made a startling announcement in their post-game interview.

The two players from the University of Georgia (UGA) decided to leave Fortnite on the spot. Naturally, the interviewer was uncomfortable with the meeting as it was a embarrassing moment for Epic, the CSL and himself.

The most impactful line of this short, sweet interview is Epic's constant updates and meta modifications to Fortnite.

"Honestly, we do not like the game a lot. Epic is a little annoying a bit with the way they balance everything. "

It is the same sentiment that has been expressed throughout the Fortnite competitive scene. Epic's refusal to separate the Fortnians' competitive experience from occasional updates of occasional meta-updates had led to this situation.

His teammate also shared his point of view: "We decided we did not want to play Fortnite anymore, so we're going to play different games and probably do different things."

The statement suggests that both players have no concrete plan on how they will proceed. Both simply agree that Fortnite is not the solution and that the game is not an ideal esport because of Epic's mistakes.

What can Epic do to repair Fortisite eSports?

Finals are fast approaching and Epic is no closer to repairing Fortnite eSports

We published an article about it some time ago, but let's see how Epic could help repair Fortnite's competitive scene.

The first thing Epic has to concede is that Fortnite is NOT an inherently competitive game. It is by nature casual and requires a different set of rules for esports. The siphon is an example of Epic's willingness to concede this point.

Another powerful gesture would be to stop constantly changing the game with new items, new weapons and card changes. Casual gambling can continue to evolve at the current rate, but true competitive games must have some level of consistency.

As Cloakzy has said in the past, the continuous changes to the meta allow players who have just played to be at the same level as the players in the long run. The Baller was a good example of this and the Hurricane Wing was another.

Other changes should include FOV sliders, professional player protections and other common standards of the sports industry. All events should also be moved to LAN formats with appropriate production quality streams instead of "streamer view" experiences.


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