Fortnite Leak May Tease Thanos’ Return


It looks like Thanos could make a return to Fortnite at some point in the future. While this is by no means a guarantee, new information related to the hugely popular multiplayer shooter has emerged recently that may tease the arrival of the Mad Titan. That being said, these details could also point to the advent of an entirely new character.

Recently discovered in the code of Fortnite, a data miner discovered that a new animation for an extra large male character skin was recently added to the game. The way this ties into Thanos is that the popular Marvel villain was previously the only character in the game. history of Fortnite which was previously listed as an XL skin in the in-game code. The fact that an XL skin appeared in the code again suggests that Thanos could return.

As mentioned before, however, it’s possible that this animation is entirely related to something else. Simply because Thanos was the only XL character in Fortnite so far, that doesn’t mean it will be forever. Because of this, what we might see here is the teasing of a new character of equal size Thanos who might be making their way into Fortnite in a short time.

With that said, take what has been expressed here with the usual two cents. While generally a good source of information on future events, there are times when details from data mining don’t lead to anything in the game in question.

Still, if Thanos or any other super tall character ends up getting to Fortnite in the near future, we will obviously keep you posted. Until then, you can catch all of our upcoming coverage on the game here.

Would you like to see a Thanos comeback in Fortnite at one point? Let me know in the comments or give me your opinion on Twitter at @ Mooreman12.


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