Fortnite now banned in another country – Game Rant


Since Fortnite exploded in popularity, there have been many calls to ban the game. Petitions to ban Fortnite Thousands of people, like Prince Harry, have also called for the ban on the popular royal battle game, often citing cases of dependency. While most of the world can still play Fortnite as much as they wish, some countries have begun to take action against this sport, already banned in China and, more recently, in Iraq.

The Iraqi parliament voted to ban both Fortnite and PUBG, as well as microtransaction purchases that can be made in these games. The Iraqi parliament has tried to justify its decision to ban Fortnite and PUBG explaining that the ban is "due to the negative effects of certain electronic games on the health, culture and safety of Iraqi society, including societal and moral threats against children and young people".

Some Iraqis have already begun to speak against the country's government. Fortnite and PUBG ban social media. The Iraqi Parliament has been accused of focusing on the wrong issues and being largely ineffective, only adopting a federal budget in January when it was created.

Fortnite now banned in another country

In the future, it is quite possible for other countries to prohibit Fortnite and PUBG. PUBG in particular, has been the subject of intense scrutiny, as gambling has already been banned in parts of India and other countries in the region, with government authorities often citing the same reasons as those proposed by Iraqi Parliament.

Although some may be convinced that banning a video game is not the right way to go, Fortnite dependence is a real problem. The vast majority of Fortnite Players will not know this problem, but those who feel it sometimes fear him enough to go to a rehab center to get back together.

It seems that the Iraqi parliament is sticking to its decision to ban Fortnite and PUBGand it is possible that it inspires other countries in the region to do the same. However, it seems very unlikely that these bans will extend to Western countries.

Fortnite is available for early access for Android, iOS, PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One.

Source: Reuters


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