Fortnite Reboot vans are very similar to Respawn stations from Apex Legends


Fortnite and its latest competitor, Apex Legends, are caught in a duel for the supremacy of the royal battle. Apex burst onto the scene with features such as a robust "ping" communication system, and Fortnite fought back by adding a very similar system. Apex took its own Fortnite page and launched its own combat pass using Fortnite's monetization model.

This week, Epic released the new fix 8.30 from Fortnite. Although it's an update containing new content and changes, its most notable addition is a feature that Apex readers already know well: respawns. Although some special time limited Fortnite modes have been used before, this is a new addition to the basic experience, which closely resembles Apex's Respawn Beacons tags. Both are quite similar, although there are some key differences.

In Fortnite, these new respawn elements call Reboot Vans and are scattered on the map in some team play modes. Reboot vehicles and Respawn Beacons both offer a decisive ability: if a member of your team is eliminated from a match (rather than suffer enough damage to be "knocked out", then you can revive it) a chance to save them if you are fast and daring. In both games, your dead teammate drops an object – in Apex, that's his banner card; in Fortnite, their reboot card.

You have 90 seconds to collect this card in both games. Once you've got it, bring it to a Respawn Beacon or a reboot, and you'll be able to give your deceased teammate a second chance in life. They come back to the game in a pretty tough form, but the return of your full team is an important step forward to recover from a lost fight and become the last team in the running.

The similarities between the two systems do not stop there. In Apex Legends, someone on your team has to physically go to the death box of your deceased teammate to retrieve their banner. no more two other teammates can activate the Respawn tag. This means that one person can run for the tag while the other is going to retrieve the card, which greatly shortens the time needed to bring back your third squad mate. You do not have to physically report the map itself to the Respawn tag. Fortnite restart vans work the same way; once a teammate has the map he is available for all teammate to use at Reboot Van.

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In both games, you are also pretty vulnerable while saving someone's life. It takes time to activate both a Respawn tag and a restart truck, although in Fortnite the danger is much lower than in Apex. In this last game, the lighthouse calls a new ship to bring your teammate back to the battlefield, which is very visible to everyone and forces your dead squad to jump from the ground ship. They are vulnerable all this time, and the arrival of the ship is actually a giant sign "come kill me" for the other teams. Meanwhile, in Fortnite, the player is replenished directly on the Reboot Van, and there seems to be much less visual flare to alert other players of what's going on.

The other big difference between systems is the frequency with which you can use them. There is a limited number of Respawn tags on the Apex Legends card, and they are for single use only. Thus, when a player uses a tag to reappear a teammate, this tag no longer works. no matter who other. Restart vans are much more tolerant; use one, and it becomes unavailable for 120 seconds before recharging. You can not revive your entire team immediately in a restart van, but you can potentially find yourself near one of them to find several players in the middle of the match, if you can stay alive as well. long time.

The last big difference between Respawn Beacons and Reboot Vans is what happens to the revived player. In Apex Legends, you have a second chance in life, but it's a big big disappointment: any loot you've found en route before you're killed is gone, unless your teammates do grab it and bring it back for you. When you reappear, you return to the game with nothing, which means that you are extremely vulnerable until you are able to loot new weapons and armor to protect yourself. Using a Respawn Beacon beacon helps you put your team to the limit, but you still have to work very hard to deal with the disadvantage of losing a member of your team.

Fortnite's answers are a little more tolerant. Come back from a pickup truck and you will not be empty handed. You will enter the match with 100 life points, an ordinary pistol with 36 rounds and 100 woods for you to build. You will not be too formidable just after a reappearance, but you can at least fight if you have to.

There are some slight differences, but the two mechanisms are almost identical. This means that the strategies for using them are pretty much the same: coordinating with your teammates during the revitalization, avoid being too vulnerable when you breathe, and help your newly resurrected teammate gather weapons to survive fighting the next group of enemies up.


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