Fortnite x Predator crossover leak: first look at the ship, spray and banner


The Fortnite v15.20 update is expected this week. Here’s what we’ll see when the update goes live.

With the Operation Snowdown event ending last week, most players assumed that a new patch would be coming to Fortnite. As we have learned, this never happened. We certainly won’t go another week without a Fortnite update, so we’re doubling down on an update coming on January 12.

Again, we’re writing this prediction ahead of any official announcements, but we’re confident v15.20 will arrive this week – if not tomorrow. Here’s what we expect to see included in this update.

Bug fixes

Every Fortnite update comes with a list of bug fixes, and v15.20 is no different. Here are all of the bugs listed in “Fixed in the next game update” on the Fortnite Community Issues Trello board.

  • Total bars may rarely appear as 0 in a match.
  • Rebooted players can see a bounty that has already ended.
  • Total bars may rarely appear as 0 in a match.
  • Visual problem with Michonne’s outfit with the blings on the back of the cape.
Fortnite bugs

Exotic leaks

Now, we get into the pure speculation part of the update. It’s been a while since the last update, which means Epic may have some new content in store for us.

A few exotic weapons have been leaked, including a Run Gun SMG and a Freeze AR – a winter-themed assault rifle that gives opponents the Chiller Traps effect.

It would seem reasonable for Epic to add one or both of these elements in v15.20, but we won’t know for sure.

A new bounty hunter

It’s been a few weeks since Epic added a crossover skin as part of the season’s Bounty Hunter theme.

We don’t know which hunter this is, although there have been rumors that Predator will join the roster.

If we had to guess, we’d say data miners will find the next bounty hunter in the game files and release that information to the public before the item shop changes.

We’ll likely see some unpredictable additions to Fortnite when v15.20 also goes live. For all of this, stay tuned for our breakdown, coverage and more.


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