Fortnite’s Galactus event was a giant arcade shooter – and now the game has stopped


The Marvel Themed Season Fortnite ended with a bang the size of a Galactus. As has been teased from the start of Season 4 in August, the game’s current season ended with a live event that pitted Fortnite players against the planet-sized supervillain in a dramatic showdown – and that ended with the end of the game, replaced by a timer for the start of Season 5.

For those who made it to the event, things started off pretty well. I spent about half an hour hanging out on the Avengers helicopter empty-handed, unable to do anything like build or pick up a weapon. Epic same posted a message let players know that they were indeed in the right place.

When the event got off to a good start, Galactus slowly walked over to the island before yelling the ominous words “Watch out.” I’m hungry. ”He then slapped the helicarrier out of the sky and the players were guided into the action by Iron Man himself. It was a strange event: to stop Galactus from destroying the island, the Players had to pilot a version of the iconic battle bus armed with explosives to feed the supervillain. Things played out like an over-the-top arcade shooter and ultimately ended with Galactus exploding, leaving the island seemingly intact.

There was also a tease connecting the events to FortniteHer bizarre tradition: Things ended with a photo of the main character Jonesy, in costume, lying on the floor of a drab office. Currently, the game is down, with a countdown counting down the hours before Season 5 kicks off at 12 p.m. ET tonight.

Prior to the event, Galactus’ face could be seen in the background during battle royale matches, steadily increasing in size with each passing day. It also looks like developer Epic was expecting a large crowd, warning players to arrive an hour before the 4 p.m. ET kick-off time (although it ended up starting a bit later than that. ).

Of course, this is just the latest in a series of live drama events. Fortnite. In the past this has included a mech versus kaiju battle, an explosion that flooded the island, and a series of Travis Scott concerts. Perhaps the most ambitious saw the entire island sucked into a black hole, shutting down the game for several days, before launching Fortnite: Chapter 2.


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