Fortnite’s multi-colored Kevin cubes move towards the center of the map


Prior to the start of the final chapter of Fortnite, many players were hoping to see a return of Kevin the Cube. Well, they got more than they expected, as multiple cubes can now be found on the map. Much like the original Kevin, they’re also slowly making their way around the map, and thanks to data mining we now know where they’re going.

According to Hypex, the cubes are all on their way to the center of the map. There are a number of distinct differences between these cubes and the original Kevin that should be concerning as well. These cubes were released by the destruction of the alien mothership and were used to power it. Upon impact with the island, they caused the Sideways to form, a strange alternate dimension filled with monsters.

Finally, these cubes also appear to be sensitive, so they actually know what they are doing. Kevin was already a very disruptive presence on the island, but several cubes are bound to bring significant changes. The fact that they are heading towards the center of the island is also concerning.

The center of the island has long been the location of major events in the world of Fortnite. From Thanos trying to snatch zero point off the island and eat it, to the spire appearing and eventual destruction, the center of the map has been a hot spot for the past few seasons.

It’s possible that if all of the Kevins get to the center of the map, they could make the kind of changes players have been hoping for as Chapter 3 begins to draw closer.


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