Fortunately, the boat is still stuck in Microsoft Flight Simulator


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Screenshot: Microsoft / FlyBoyRez1 /

Never given, the massive container ship that captivated the world after blocking the Suez Canal in Egypt for over a week, is free from 3:05 p.m. local time, but the ridiculous incident will last forever Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Over the past few days, the dedicated Microsoft Flight Simulator community released several third-party mods to highlight the Never givenThe previously precarious position. These add-ons range from simply blocking the Suez Canal with a realistic model of the ship for reproduce traffic jams its grounding caused on the navigation route. A search for also appeared a bailed out version of the Never given, one of the first steps the crews took before finally removing the vessel from the waterway.

Although it might have been a bit difficult to appreciate the sheer size of the Never given of photography alone, these Microsoft Flight Simulator Mods do a fantastic job giving gamers – and those of us who don’t have the expensive rigs to run the popular game – a chance to get closer to this historic event. The video above, for example, places the viewer in the cockpit of a helicopter making a pass over the accidentally stranded ship, an experience accessible to very few of us in the real world.

And that’s really the beauty of Microsoft Flight Simulator: It gives players the ability to roam a fairly faithful version of our planet from the comfort of their own home. Of course, world events like this have to be added by users themselves, but it certainly beats walk in unfamiliar streets in Google Maps or look at a single stop sign on Twitch.

(h / t Grab)


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