Found somewhere in the A4 map location


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Another day, another Fortbyte – although we are coming to the end of the line, dear friends. Season 9 is almost over, and with it our daily dose of bytes. Hope this was a big success and they come back in season 10.

As season 9 draws to a close, you can see that the robot is almost done in Pressure Plant and that new countdowns over Sky platforms indicate that something serious will happen next week-end. .

Fortbyte # 27 today is somewhere in the A4 map location. This leads us to an area of ​​the map near Snobby Shores. It's always a great place, but you can find the Fortbyte on the map below:

As you can see, Fortbyte # 27 is located just north of Snobby Shores, in the no-man's land relative between this place and Haunted Hills.

You do not need emote, spray, skin or slider to access the byte. Just interact with it and add it to your collection. This brings you a lot closer to the 90 Fortbytes needed to get the Singularity skin.

Good luck, young padawans! The end is near!


Another day, another Fortbyte – although we are coming to the end of the line, dear friends. Season 9 is almost over, and with it our daily dose of bytes. Hope this was a big success and they come back in season 10.

As season 9 draws to a close, you can see that the robot is almost done in Pressure Plant and that new countdowns over Sky platforms indicate that something serious will happen next week-end. .

Fortbyte # 27 today is somewhere in the A4 map location. This leads us to an area of ​​the map near Snobby Shores. It's always a great place, but you can find the Fortbyte on the map below:

As you can see, Fortbyte # 27 is located just north of Snobby Shores, in the no-man's land relative between this place and Haunted Hills.

You do not need emote, spray, skin or slider to access the byte. Just interact with it and add it to your collection. This brings you a lot closer to the 90 Fortbytes needed to get the Singularity skin.

Good luck, young padawans! The end is near!


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