Four key moments at CPAC on Saturday


The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) concluded its third day after speeches by a number of political heavyweights.

Senator Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Withdrew from the events of the day, citing an “unexpected family problem”.

Here are four key moments from the day’s events:

Pompeo says China ‘smiled’ when US reinstated the Paris climate agreement

“The Paris Agreement was a fantasy for elite diplomats who just wanted to signal virtue,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said. “When President Biden reinstated this agreement, I can tell you that Xi Jinping was smiling every minute.”

“Since I last saw you, the Chinese have sanctioned me,” former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the crowd. “The Iranians don’t think much of me either.” China has imposed sanctions on officials in the Trump administration for calling China’s actions against Uyghurs and Muslim minorities in the Xinjiang region “genocide.”

“The Biden team appears to be headed for appeasement in Iran once again. It will be a disaster for the United States of America and a disaster for the region as well.”

Boebert says Democrats are ‘the party of no’s’

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., Said that while the GOP has a reputation for being the “no party”, it is actually the Democrats who embody the word.

“Republicans are called the no party but we say no to all of their nos. They don’t want you to be able to protect yourself, they don’t want you to have free speech, they don’t want you to have freedom to religion … they’re the no party We say no, we say a big ‘no’ to all their no’s, ”the ardent lawmaker and gun rights activist told the crowd.

McCarthy predicts GOP will take majority in 2022

“It’s not lucky, we’re going to get the majority back. We’re at five seats,” McCarthy said Saturday during a panel at CPAC.

“I would bet my house … don’t tell my wife but I would bet it,” he said.

“It’s the smallest majority Democrats have had in 100 years,” McCarthy said. Republicans won 12 seats in the 2020 election, and FiveThirtyEight predicted they were “on track” to recapture the House in the next election.

The call slams Fauci

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, a featured attraction at Saturday’s event, said Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, “is very wrong.”


“I don’t know if you agree with me, but Dr Fauci is very wrong. she said. Noem was the only governor to never shut down businesses to contain Covid-19. She said Fauci predicted her condition would be much worse.

“In South Dakota I provided all the information we had to our staff and then trusted them to make the best decisions for themselves [on how to prevent the spread of the virus] for their families and in turn for their communities, ”she said.

“We never focused on the number of cases. Instead, we kept an eye on the capacity of the hospital. Now Dr Fauci he told me that on my worst day I would have ten thousand patients in the hospital on our worst day we had just over six hundred. “


Noem recalled being regularly criticized by the press and some Democrats as being “misinformed, reckless and even a ‘denier’.” Some have even claimed that South Dakota is ‘as bad as anywhere in the world’ when it comes to COVID-19 – that’s a lie, ”she says.


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